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Dead People by Ewart Hutton

Dead People is the second Glyn Capaldi mystery from Ewart Hutton. Set in the barren Welsh countryside, Capaldi is, this time, invited to help with a strange case. As in Good People, the mystery begins right away and continues without letup.

A body has been found at the Cwm Cesty Nant wind farm construction site. Identification is difficult without a head or hands, but it is recent. Nearby, an archeological dig has discovered a mummified Scot and both sites are being investigated. Capaldi is certain there is a local connection, but the force contends they were killed elsewhere and dumped. Two other bodies are soon uncovered and attention is directed to the local crazy man and his cabin in the woods.

Yes, directed - but by whom and why?

From the local youth rehabilitation farm to the upscale Barn Gallery owners, Capaldi keeps digging until the story of these historical and recent murders comes to light.

This entry was slightly lighter, but just as complex. 'That's quite a shock for Dinas' someone comments - forgetting what the case in Good People revealed about the town of Dinas - so dark and nasty, yet surprisingly water under the bridge. Glyn has the chance at an affair, and his good friend Mac comes on the scene. That makes four people total that like Capaldi, everyone else barely tolerates him. The tension is continuous, and again, ripping off the veneer of local respectability reveals several nests of vipers.

These are solid detection novels starring a unique and (to the reader) likeable maverick. The next in the series is Wild People. Solid.

2013 / Tradeback / 392 pages

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