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Hasty Death by M.C. Beaton

Lady Summer Rose returns with Harry Cathcart in Hasty Death, the second of M.C. Beaton's Edwardian mystery series. This novel features the same rigid manners and high society that Rose longs to break free of, and as she takes first steps, she finds murder along the way.

Rose is still rebelling against societies plans and intends to move into London with Daisy - to actually work in trade, no less. This is too much for her family, and they ask Harry for his help. A plan is formed where she is allowed to live among the lower classes for a month, confident she will come running home. Daisy and Rose move into a rundown ladies' hostel and work as typists for Harry's friend.

Freddy Pomfret, society playboy, has only gotten himself shot dead. Strangely, there were three deposits of a thousand pounds each recently placed into his bank. Was he a secret blackmailer? Was this murder the work of one of them? Eager for an excuse to return home where there is abundant food and clean clothes, Rose and Daisy re-enter high societies dinner parties to ferret out the truth.

Daisy has moved up in rank to Lady Rose's companion, and even has her own calling cards. She is resourceful and brave when Rose's parents find out about their sleuthing and try to lock her away in a sanatarium! Next stop, a stay at Lady Glensheil's estate, where the other guests include the three who were being blackmailed. They work again with Cathcart and the police to discover their secrets and reveal the murderer. This one has adultery, homosexuality, vegetarianism, poisoned champagne, and several mentions of the 'illuminating philosopher' Rudolf Steiner.

Rose learns the ways of the working world, gets kidnapped a few times, attacked by a mauler and earns a small amount of her parents respect. Will Cathcart warm to her adventurous spirit and propose? These are entertaining, quick reads that breeze right along.

M.C. Beaton has a nice way in this series of mentioning the side characters of the story in the last chapters, following up in a short paragraph what has happened to them after they left the scene. It's interesting and surprising sometimes. A nice touch.

2004 / Tradeback / 225 pages

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