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Jennifer Johnson Is Sick Of Being Single by Heather McElhatton

Heather McElhatton has written two "Do-Over" books (Pretty Little Mistakes in 2007, and A Million Little Mistakes in 2010) which take the reader on a wild journey offering two choices at the end of each section. These are 'choose your own adventure' stories where each reader can constantly change the mood and luck of the characters. Imaginative and crazy, these were great fun and highly recommended! In between these, she wrote Jennifer.

Hard to say, but Jennifer however, didn't meet my expectations. I'm on the fence with this one. It was very well written, and again it was imaginative and crazy - it never let up! Which is just what you want in a comedic novel I suppose, but there was something about the no-holds-barred mania that didn't appeal to me. Maybe because I'm a guy and just don't get it.

Jennifer Johnson is a quirky single girl who writes advertising copy at a Minnesota department store. She is always having one of those days, and the boss's handsome son Brad always seems to be around to see it. At first, this was hysterically funny and I was ready for a great read, but for me, it never left that heightened tone.

Calm down, take a breath Jennifer.

Of course, she has a gay best friend working in window dressing to commiserate with - him, or the temptress demon calling her to the local Cinnabon. Her sister is getting married, the same day as her ex-boyfriend David. Can she pull of going to both? She joins a diet clinic, fights in a drag club, evades the bill collector, and goes on agonizing blind dates, all while silently chanting "lose a little weight" and seeming to push Brad (who is interested) further away. Maybe she isn't comfortable with his lavish presents and perfect uptight family.

All these crazy situations are very funny, but for me the overriding premise is her desperation to find 'a man' and get married. In fact the sections of the book are titled find him, hunt him, and nail him down. Even when guys like her, she is so desperately looking for Mr. Right that she can't see him right in from of her. She was driving me nuts! Not that Brad is all that great. In the end, does she get what she wants? I admit I did like the ending of it - it turned the whole premise on its ear.

So, with funny situations and great writing, how can this be Just OK? I don't know any girls like this, and I don't get the overwhelming need to validate myself through my partner. A little high strung for me. Of course, it's just a comic novel, and as that it hit the mark, but Jennifer Johnson Was Starting To Irritate Me.

Heather McElhatton is a great writer though, I'll try again next time.

2009 / Paperback / 289 pages

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