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Mystery House by Kathleen Norris

You may not know the name Kathleen Norris, but in the 1930's she was called 'America's Best Loved Writer' from her widely read novels and newspaper columns. One of the highest paid writers, she wrote 93 novels over 45 years. In the 1940's her novels were adapted for radio making her the first nationally famous writer to have a daily serial program. Extolling old fashioned family values, her novels are light, and deal with the problems of the times.

Mystery House is moody and strange, while as dangerous as a walk by the seaside. Page Hazeltyne accepts a job from a stranger, Mr. Rand, to be caregiver to an eccentric old woman. Her legendary mansion on the California coast is in constant refurbishment, with over sixty rooms, five dining rooms, and doors and balconies leading nowhere like a gothic funhouse. She was hired to look after the immensely wealthy Mrs. Predergast, who is taken with the occult and holds seances to talk with her dead husband, which attractive Dr. Harwood allows. Page quickly finds the Doctor is her real employer, and that she was hired as companion to Lynn, a nervous young nephew with emotional problems. Lynn and Page soon become close friends, boating to nearby islands. With a house full of extended family, she learns everyone is waiting around lest they leave and be disinherited, in this monstrous house they would rather see burned to the ground. From Mrs. Predergast herself, Page quickly learns another surprising truth - she was actually hired by the old lady to discover what happened to a lost family treasure, the cherry-sized Pendergast diamond!

Yes, it's convoluted, but slips by in a brisk manner. Everyone has a motive for finding or taking the diamond, and since they all think she is there for different reasons, feel free to confide in her. Things really twist when the long lost sister of Mrs. Prendergast shows up and they find out neither are who they say they are! In the style of films like Rebecca or My Name Is Julia Ross, it's usually the young nanny who shakes the secrets to the surface in these mysterious houses, and then the handsome young heir falls in love with her or she falls in love with him - it depends which movie you see.

Along the way there is romance (with several men actually), amateur detection, uncovered secrets, possible murder, and a finale in a late night fog storm, naturally.

I found this by chance and was impressed by the great wraparound jacket illustration. I would say it has everything you'd want in a great old mystery. You have to judge the writing itself by the time (1935), it's a little light, but the story itself was very satisfying and I'm happy to have discovered it.

My other review for Kathleen Norris, also with a dynamite cover:

1935 / Hardcover / 305 pages

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