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Read My Lips by Sally Kellerman

Read My Lips is funny, quirky and endearing, just like the author, Sally Kellerman. This is her autobiography of starting out in Hollywood.

Rather than beginning the book like so many others, with her parents story and then her childhood, she jumps right into life as a young waitress at Chez Paulette, studying with Jeff Corey's class, and trying to break into the business. This was the early 60's when the Sunset Strip was a quieter place lined with coffee shops filled with young actors like Jack Nicholson, Robert Blake, and Steve McQueen. A Los Angeles where the valley was still quiet farmland and you could leave your door open at night - not just unlocked, but open.

She was dating actor Eddie Byrnes just before he made it big on 77 Sunset Strip, and was asked out by Warren Beatty. She said no to Warren, and then he made it big with Splendour In The Grass. Marlon Brando took her for a drive, but she was so enamoured, she rebuffed him. I'm not saying she was getting around! just that in her life and career she always followed her own path.

She got her first big review for a stage role: "Although her fresh beauty was a delight to the eye, her wooden portrayal left so much to be desired that she should get out of the business." Somehow this got her an agent and she began working in TV and then films. Her biggest role was Hot Lips Houlihan in Robert Altman's MASH, earning her an Oscar nomination. After that, when she could have been taking major film roles such as The Posiedon Adventure, she walked away to work on her real performing love - singing, and toured with a group all over the states.

Many people know her best from her numerous roles in Robert Altman's films, but when he called her for another one, she said "Only if it's a good part". He hung up on her. The film was Nashville, and she could have sang!

She continued to work in film, sing, and was in demand for voiceover work. With her husband Jonathan Krane, she adopted three children.

Her characters were always a little off, and she played many second leads and character parts. Like Karen Black, Jill Clayburgh and Sandy Dennis, her personality came through the character - she was always playing a version of herself and was always great.

Hey Sally, there's nothing wrong with being Sandy Dennis?!

Read My Lips is a fun read for a film fans, as she knew all the directors and actors working in the 1960's and 70's. If you know her work, or enjoy reading about Hollywood at that time, I recommend it! She has an offbeat way of telling her story which is endearing, unafraid to show her mistakes with hilarious anecdotes. Among many funny stories, I thought this one showed the humour in her life and career : One night John Travolta irritated her by keeping her waiting as he signed autographs for a crowd. The next day two people came up to her and she half-heartedly, begrudgingly, signed her name.

Her husband turned to her and said "Right, Sally. Be mean to your fans. You have two."

2013 / Hardcover / 244 pages

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